Own Your Own Content

Own Your Own Content because it is YOUR content. Social Media should be an extension of your business, not the foundation. As true it is that social media is a great way to expand your reach, connect directly with your audience/customer, it also remains true that you do not have any control if the platform decides to remove your content,

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(STOP) Judging the Millennials

Leadership, Work-Life Balance, Well-Being, Learning, Habits .. sounds like a combination of Personal and Professional aspects, doesn’t it?

We’ve been ‘taught’ that it is important to keep our Professional Life separate from our Personal Life. Leave work at work, don’t bring home to work … and so on.

So much so we are ‘told’ to have a Business Persona and a Persona One.


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Power of Self-Love

Hara Allison, of ‘See Beneath Your Beautiful’ podcast and magazine, shares her realization and process of learning to love herself and how she uses her life lessons to empower others to be their own best friend too – and live a life recognizing how beautiful each of us are!

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Relationship with Myself

our relationship with yourself is the most important bond you’ll ever nurture. If you are not happy from within, you’ll repeatedly attract people in your personal and professional life who will leave you making more worthless, more jaded, tired of trying to connect with anyone at all.

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‘Masculine’ Mental Health

“Be a man!”, “Boys don’t cry”, “Don’t be a woman!” and so many more shoulds and should nots. This social construct becomes a default thinking process for men and everyone around them. This simply denies Men the right to have feelings, challenges and vulnerability.

The notion that being masculine means you cannot be vulnerable is one of the most toxic ideas that is floated by the social Construct. The impact on Men’s Mental Health is long lasting and is damaging to their own lives and those they love and live with and around.

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(Business) Its ALL Personal

Leadership, Work-Life Balance, Well-Being, Learning, Habits .. sounds like a combination of Personal and Professional aspects, doesn’t it?

We’ve been ‘taught’ that it is important to keep our Professional Life separate from our Personal Life. Leave work at work, don’t bring home to work … and so on.

So much so we are ‘told’ to have a Business Persona and a Persona One.


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