Social Media should be an extension of your business, not the foundation.
As true it is that social media is a great way to expand your reach, connect directly with your audience/customer, it also remains true that you do not have any control if the platform decides to remove your content, or your profile or the platform itself goes away (look at how rapidly Twitter is reaching close to its demise!)
Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning your content strategy –
- – Build and host your content on your website.
- – Repurpose it for your social profiles.
- – Build your email list in CANN-SPAM compliance.
- – Host your courses in platforms you can own content on.
- – Build your community via email/dedicated purpose-built platforms.
- – Back up your Social Content Weekly.
- – Back up your Site Content Weekly.
- – Back up your backups, monthly.
- – Back up your contingency backups also monthly
Even if your business itself is Social Media Consulting/Writing/Design/Teaching or absolutely Anything.
Build your business in a way that you own the content and social platforms are only an additional avenue.
Be the Hyper-INTENTIONAL master of your Intellectual Property.
Be sure to pass these tips on to someone who can benefit from them!
Did I say, ‘back up your content’ enough times yet?
And repeat this hashtag in your life – 20 times a day – #OwnYourOwnBusiness